Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rawesome Reno

It was good to be home after a long trip! Here's some pics of the everyday cuteness and catastrophes occuring in the Clarke home.

Ada is usually pretty good eating on her own with a spoon. I left her at the table with some banana yogurt and came back to find this... she thought it was pretty funny.

The brainwashing has begun! Penny is already learning what it means to be a Cougar fan.

and Ada's Elmo Obsession Lives On...

She's Gonne Be a Socca Playa! Here's Penny doing her morning exercises. She literally has worn holes in her socks from kicking so much in her car seat and swing.


Catherine Faux said...

Yay you guys updated! Ada is so cute and growing up so fast. I want Lucy to be friends with her. Penny is still so little and adorable.

Sarah and Cory Smith said...

Love the pictures of Ada and Peyton. We are so glad that we got to see you guys again. I was just saying to Cory yesterday that we miss you guys.

Jessica said...

Cute videos. Wish we lived closer. And Penny's hair- good job guys. It's amazing.

Julie Neibaur said...

Hi Heidi and Kyle,
Love your blog the videos are so cute. I have beautiful granddaughters. I feel bad the whole world knows I gave Ada a black eye. Guess you won't let me babysit anymore. Love ya Mom