Sunday, November 15, 2009

Love at Home

It has been a super busy week in the Clarke Home! Baby Showers, Studying, Mutual Activites, not to mention getting ready for the Party of the Year next week.... our Annual Twilight Party along with a 12:30am New Moon movie showing! Yee Haw. (or as Ada would say, Weeee Haw!) But we still had time to just hang out and have fun at home. Here's a few pics...

Ada's hair is CONSTANTLY staticky. She hates it, but I don't think I could ever cut off her beautiful hair.

This morning I set Penny down in her swing so I could go finish up the dishes. Within a minute, she started whining, so I asked Ada to give her a toy... when I turned around, I saw this. Yes... that is basically our whole Toy Box sitting on top of Penny and taking a ride in the swing. It was pretty funny. Isn't Ada a good big sister?

Pretty Penny.

Sometimes I think Ada wishes she were a stuffed animal. The other morning, she got all of her stuffed animals out of the Toy Box and lined them up. Then layed herself down right in the middle of them. It kinda reminded me of that scene in E.T. when E.T. tries to blend in with all of Elliott's other stuffed animals in the closet. She is so funny... I have a good belly laugh with her atleast once every day.

Penny is by far the hardest baby I have ever fed! She stinks at it! This is honestly how she looks after every feeding. First of all, she wont open her mouth, then she grabs and pulls the spoon from me, and when I do finally get food in her mouth, she spits it out - everywhere! I have to like drape myself with a towel because she's already stained a few of my shirts with sweet potatoes and pasta sauce. Take cover! Penn is Eating!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

I love your kids.

Ada is the cutest little bug ever. I can't wait for you guys to come home for a while.

I HATED feeding Rylee too. Maybe it is a second child thing. It was seriously the hardest thing so I made Regan do it. He is way more patient than I am. I can't believe how much Penny is growing. She is so stinkin cute!